
Saturday, April 26, 2025
10 AM to 12:30 PM (check-in begins at 9:30)

Registration for this program closes at noon on Wednesday, April 23, 2025 or when the program reaches maximum capacity.

Experience the fun and exciting side of chemistry! Brownies will complete four of the activities toward the Home Scientist  badge and receive directions to finish a fifth, fun activity at home. This workshop is full of messy, scientific fun, including bubbles, ice cream, and a visit to the Collins Family My Big Backyard gallery.

Some activities will take place outdoors. Please dress appropriately.

Program will consist of 4 rotations of 35 minutes each.
Lab 1:
a. Activity 1: Bubbles – make your own bubbles and bubble makers.
Lab 2:
a. Activity 2: The chemistry of carbon dioxide – harness this gas for fun!
Lab 3 :
a. Activity 3: Make ice cream – create creamy chemistry in a bag.
Lab 4/MBBY Gallery:

a. Activity 4: Static – participate in an electrifying demonstration on an electrostatic generator.
b. Activity 5: Spend a few minutes in the Collins Family My Big Backyard engaging with magnets and electricity.

All groups end at the store where Tellus patches are available for purchase.

Take home directions for an activity to experiment with densities of different liquids will be given out to complete on your own.



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