SummerQuest Program reservation form Once your reservation is received our scheduler will contact you. If you have not heard from the scheduler within one week of submitting the form, please call 770-606-5699 or e-mail CONTACT INFORMATIONGroup Name:Contact NameBookkeeper's Email:*Address* Street Address City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code CountyPhone*Cell NumberEmail*PROGRAMMy preferred program is:*Summer ProgramSTUDENTS, TEACHERS, AND CHAPERONESPlease note, Family Museum membership does not cover the cost of children's programs.Age range of children:*Please select all that apply. 5 yo - 6 yo 7 yo - 8 yo 9 yo - 10 yo 11 yo - 12 yo Number of children (minimum of 15)**Program is for ages 5+ years old. Approximate number of adults*PLANETARIUMAdd-on planetarium show for 1:45 - 2:30 PM Yes No REQUESTED DATEPlease enter date for first choice MM slash DD slash YYYY Please enter date for second choice MM slash DD slash YYYY Please enter date for third choice MM slash DD slash YYYY Additional CommentsFor more information contact Central Scheduling by calling 770-606-5699 or email at Δ E-NEWS SIGN UP Your email * Facebook-f Instagram Twitter Youtube