Saturday, September 28, 2024
10 AM to 12:30 PM
(check-in begins at 9:30)
Registration for this program closes at noon on Wednesday, September 25, 2024 or when the program reaches maximum capacity.
Learn how to make and use a rotary star chart, find the major constellations, planet positions in the planetarium. Learn why the Moon goes through phases. Learn how to build a star clock using the Big Dipper. Scouts will visit the planetarium and apply their skills to exploring the constellations and finding the moon and planets.
Program will consist of 4 rotations.
- 1st Rotation: Watch a live Planetarium Show – 50 minutes
- 2nd Rotation: Star Wheel activity – 30 minutes
- 3rd Rotation: Tour of Rockets in Science in Motion Gallery – 30 minutes
- 4th Rotation: Solar observation or view images if cloudy – 30 minutes
All groups end at the Store where Tellus patches are available for purchase.
c. Describe the proper clothing and other precautions for safely making observations at night and in cold weather. Then, explain how to safely observe the Sun, objects near the Sun, and the Moon.
ACTIVITY: Visit the Observatory. Learn safety for observing the Sun.
Explain what light pollution is and how it and air pollution affect astronomy.
ACTIVITY: Visit the Planetarium.
a. Explain why binoculars and telescopes are important astronomical tools. Demonstrate or explain how these tools are used.
ACTIVITY: Visit the Observatory for a hands-on experience.
a. Identify in the sky at least 10 constellations, at least four of which are in the zodiac
b. Identify at least eight conspicuous stars, five of which are of magnitude 1 or brighter
c. Make two sketches of the Big Dipper. In one sketch, show the Big Dipper’s orientation in the early evening sky. In another sketch, show its position several hours later. In both sketches, show the North Star and the horizon. Record the date and time each sketch was made.
d. Explain what we see when we look at the Milky Way
ACTIVITY: Visit the Planetarium. Learn how to use a rotary star chart.
a. List the names of the five most visible planets. Explain which ones can appear in phases similar to lunar phases and which ones cannot, and explain why
c. Describe the motion of the planets across the sky.
ACTIVITY: Visit the Planetarium. Learn how to use a rotary star chart.
c. List the factors that keep the Moon in orbit around Earth.
d. With the aid of diagrams, explain the relative positions of the Sun, Earth, and the Moon at the times of lunar and solar eclipses, and at the times of new, first-quarter, full, and last-quarter phases of the Moon.
ACTIVITY: Visit the Lab for a hands-on Moon phase activity.
a. Describe the composition of the Sun, its relationship to other stars, and some effects of its radiation on Earth’s weather and communications.
c. Identify at least one red star, one blue star, and one yellow star (other than the Sun). Explain the meaning of these colors.
ACTIVITY: Visit the Planetarium and the Observatory.
a. Visit a Planetarium or astronomical Observatory. Submit a written report, a scrapbook, or a video presentation afterward to your counselor.
ACTIVITY: Visit the Planetarium and Observatory.
Astronomy Belt Loop and Academic Pin Activity: Visit the Planetarium to observe and learn five constellations. Learn to use a simple star map. Find the North Star and locate the naked eye planets in the current sky. Learn some basic astronomy vocabulary. Tour the Science in Motion gallery and learn about the early space program. Visit the Observatory and learn how telescopes and observatories work.
Draw a diagram of a telescope and explain how it works.
ACTIVITY: Visit the Science in Motion gallery.
Locate and identify five constellations. You may use a telescope.
ACTIVITY: Visit the Planetarium. Learn how to use a rotary star chart.
Find the North Star. Explain its importance.
ACTIVITY: Visit the Planetarium. Learn how to use a rotary star chart.
Learn about careers in astronomy.
ACTIVITY: Visit the Planetarium.
Learn about some of the early space missions. Tell your den or family about one of them.
ACTIVITY: Visit the Science in Motion gallery.
Explain the following terms: planets, star, solar system, galaxy, the Milky Way, black hole, red giant, white dwarf, comet, meteor, moon asteroid, star map and universe.
ACTIVITY: Visit the Planetarium. Learn how to use a rotary star chart.